May Fayre Weekend
It takes a small army of Volunteer Residents to ensure the smooth running of the May Fayre and we couldn't run any of the events without your valuable help.
Some of the roles we need filling over the weekend typically include:
Event Setup/Tear-down
Traffic Marshalling
Bar Staff
BBQ Staff
Ticket Checking
Event Marshalling
HERE ARE the available ROLES with a LINK to signup online
We need your help - all year round!
Join our Organising Committee
The Organising Committee meet throughout the year to plan our events, decide on donation requests and also run the annual Donations event called "BRA-vo".
We don't have a rigid meeting schedule, instead agreeing a mutually suitable day & time (usually a mid-week evening) at the Committee Room inside the Burghfield Village Hall. The Organising Committee is overseen by the elected B.R.A. Officers and bound by the terms of our constitution.
If you would like to join the Organising Committee please get in touch via email and we will advise of the next meeting date so you can come along to observe , ask any questions you may have and maybe you'll even want to join in!